Tuesday, October 27, 2009

um, duh.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

To change or not to change...

So I finally got my hard copy proofs and am now agonizing over whether or not to change the color of the cover-- the title looks a little dull against the background. I want it to be visually appealing after all this...

Hmm- why is it easier to write an entire book than it is to finalize publication?!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

All Approved!

I approved the final versions of the Cover and the Interior today! I'm anxiously awaiting the Author Review Hardcopy (which takes a couple weeks) and once I review and approve that...the book will be available for order within 24 hours. So, it looks like my end of year goal may be realistic afterall! We'll see about the other goal of selling 100 books...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Almost an Author

I received the PDF proof of my book yesterday, which makes me one step closer to publication! I have some formatting changes to make but then it will be on its way to the Best Sellers list (or the For Purchase list anyway). Sarah's finishing up the cover-- which is awesome. I am now officially more excited about the cover than the contents of the book...Maybe you can judge a book by its cover.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Am I an Author?

I've always wanted to write a book. I just never had the creativity for storylines, plot twists, character development...pretty much everything that writing a book entails! I had never considered writing non-fiction (they're usually the boring books!), but then I realized: They say, "Write what you know" and right now I know babies! So, I am in the process of writing a book about pregnancy and parenting. Of course, since I'm no expert, it's not a how-to handbook but rather a light-hearted, humorous (hopefully), candid look at those times.